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(1 edit)

Game gets permanently stuck on a white horizontal line on launch

hi! really hope you havent just abandoned this, i genuinely think it has a lot of potential. hope to see an update at some point in the future

Where can I commission these cash?


If taking ideas, it might be worth implementing the "good vs evil" + happiness mechanics the original game had, but make it more like "motherly wife that loves you, vs abused monster breeder" or something like that.

Like, all the "motherly" tools would be things like kisses, handholding, an impregnation tool, hand-milking, gentle tickling, maybe clothing and accessories, and rubbing (cocoa butter?). Any tools that advance her pregnancy/milk are slow and gentle.

All the "abusive" tools would be things like tentacles, milking cups, ovipositors, grabbing (+throwing) her, restraints, various pumps to overpressurize her womb (cum pipe?), whips, various hormone injections, or sending a monster after her like a minotaur or something (though this might be dumb because it'd need actual animations). Any tools that advance her pregnancy/milk are fast and painful.


Pls pls pls update this after the Jam, both because it's a cool idea , but also because Interactive Buddy never got any decent clones or spinoffs and the only thing it got was that DLC-heavy thing on phones.


Very slow progression. Interactive Buddy was all about blowing the little guy to smithereens so there's some disconnect when applying the concept to pregnancy. 

Could see it as an inflation game tho.


I actually have a lot of ideas for tools and stuff, I just ran out of time. Might add them in someday.


how to use the remot

Just hold LMB down and wait. It's not obvious enough, sorry!


would be interesting enough if you made a full game, plus with how the character work i could see modding as a thing

I definitely want to add more, and have customizable skins just like the og Interactive Buddy

Yoo, what a throwback! R.I.P. Flash :(


Interesting Concept. Very reminiscent of Buddy. I felt like remote wasn't doing what I thought it would do... but after holding it down a bit... it was exactly what I thought it was XD

Also great that you can use Remote first then + something else to get the score running faster.


Haha, glad you were persistent with the remote! I definitely need to make it a bit more obvious, but I also don't want to give it away completely since figuring it out is part of the fun.

I think you did good for a first attempt! So initially I was clicking on her and around her, frantically. After a bit I saw that she would walk towards the side the remote was on, so I was like, alright I'll walk her around a bit. Then her cheeks went flush and I was like Bruh, something is definitely happening I should keep doing this. Wasn't long before I got the surprise.


tiene potencial me gusto pero creo solo le falta que agreguen algo de contenido y los senos tienden a fallar cuando si la agitas demasiado, de resto esta genial

Cute but not enough to do to earn money, I couldn't bother to reach the 100$